Support The Library
Friends of the Library
Our Friends are a group of interested patrons who plan programs for the library. They meet in June to plan programs for the year. The group helps with the book sales, Beggar’s Night, and adult-based programming throughout the year. Anyone is welcome to become a volunteer and help with the library activities. For more information, email Carrie or see any staff member, or fill out the Friends Member Form.
Volunteering at the Library
The library’s volunteer program is designed to expand and enhance public service to the community. Volunteers generally provide support services to paid staff and/or work on special projects. Volunteers learn more about the library and its place in the community and observe firsthand the way the library serves the community’s needs.
A person who would like to volunteer at the library must complete a volunteer application. If volunteer opportunities exist, the director, or his or her designee, will review the application, interview appropriate candidates, assign tasks, establish a schedule, and train and supervise the volunteer.
Where possible, in appropriate circumstances, and at the sole discretion of the library, the library may choose to assist the local courts and other social service agencies by providing community service and /or library work experience for individuals.
Donating to the Library
The library welcomes citizens and organizations to support its service program through contributions of book or non–book materials for library collections, contributions of appropriate gifts that will enhance the library’s physical environment, and bequests, trusts, or donations of monetary or other assets for library purposes.
Materials and equipment given to, and accepted by, the library shall become the sole property of the library to be managed as the director or his or her designee deems appropriate. The library is unable to furnish appraisals of donated items, and reserves the right to refuse any donation.
The library may accept gifts of miscellaneous books or other materials with the understanding that items not added to the library’s collection will be disposed of at the discretion of the library. The library may then use any proceeds derived from such disposal for library improvement or staff development.
Patrons or organizations who wish to donate gifts of a more specific nature, such as works of art, furniture, equipment, special collections, and real property, shall be referred to the director who, in consultation with the appropriate committee of the board, will determine whether or how to accept such gift.
If a patron or organization wishes to donate funds for specific purposes, the amount and nature of the expenditure must be approved by the board before the gift is accepted; items so purchased become the property of the library and may be disposed of accordingly. The board accepts and acknowledges gifts at each regular board meeting.